The dumbest thing you have ever heard

I'm afraid this is what awaits us all soon


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Both places I spend my time in have rather large mil or cg bases, and sadly the service is getting recruits attracted to a general miley/Loyd Austin military. Suffice to say it's made for some of the most mind numbing "sniper" related wives tales. It's getting as bad or worse than the old "eskimo" lady who shot a polar near in the mouth with a 22 story. Makes everyone think they are capable of being the next hathcock or mawhinney, with their newly acquired psa ar and high grade chineseum scope.
Actually, the old World Record griz was shot on May 10th 1953 by a 63 year old Cree native american woman named Bella Twin.
Shot in the ear with a .22
Look it up.

Ammo Land still has an article on it.
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Actually, the old World Record griz was shot on May 10th 1953 by a 63 year old Cree native american woman named Bella Twin.
Shot in the ear with a .22
Look it up.

Ammo Land still has an article on it.

That has been attributed to about a dozen different native groups ranging all across north America. Bullet location from ear, to eye to back of throat. I've more faith in a shaky Joe biden memory of corn pop...
Too many to count but this one always gets me…

While at a local outdoor range a guy walks over and asks if I can clear his jammed pistol. I'm looking at it and it appears the mag is jammed. Once I remove the mag I notice the bullets had been put in backwards, to which the guy replied in a literal and distraught face says……."I could have just shot my self in the head". 😳🤦🏼‍♂️
Too many to count but this one always gets me…

While at a local outdoor range a guy walks over and asks if I can clear his jammed pistol. I'm looking at it and it appears the mag is jammed. Once I remove the mag I notice the bullets had been put in backwards, to which the guy replied in a literal and distraught face says……."I could have just shot my self in the head". 😳🤦🏼‍♂️
That's funny, once while mule deer hunting out in the hills I ran into an older local man I had known for years. While talking he noticed some small deer tracks in soft dirt going down the trail, and asked what size deer had made the tracks, I told him doe and fawn then he asked what direction they were going 🤣
Too many to count but this one always gets me…

While at a local outdoor range a guy walks over and asks if I can clear his jammed pistol. I'm looking at it and it appears the mag is jammed. Once I remove the mag I notice the bullets had been put in backwards, to which the guy replied in a literal and distraught face says……."I could have just shot my self in the head". 😳🤦🏼‍♂️
That is pure GOLD! 🤣
That has been attributed to about a dozen different native groups ranging all across north America. Bullet location from ear, to eye to back of throat. I've more faith in a shaky Joe biden memory of corn pop...
It may be falsely attributed to dozens of people and people groups but if you google "may 10 1953, Bella Twin, bear, Slave Lake Alberta" you might find it interesting how much hard evidence and documentation exists (facts do get stretched, and new heroes, locations, and such get mixed into such epic tales, but it's a true story at its heart, a little old Indigenous Canadian lady (and yes in this case the attributed people group is correct, she was Cree) with single shot .22 and luck on her side). This is much more concrete and factual than Joe's memory 🤣

This site helpfully includes photographs of the lady with the cape of the bear and of the skull of the bear which she shot in the head numerous times after it dropped to make sure it wasn't just stunned. In case the link doesn't work I'll add them here too


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I do agree I've heard the story change a lot over time, but that's the nature of these awesome once in a generation or even once in a century events…like if you've ever played that telephone game, what the person at the end of the line hears may not be entirely accurate to what the original message was. But that doesn't mean there's no message or that the entire thing is made up. Just gotta check facts and weed out embellishments.
Too many to count but this one always gets me…

While at a local outdoor range a guy walks over and asks if I can clear his jammed pistol. I'm looking at it and it appears the mag is jammed. Once I remove the mag I notice the bullets had been put in backwards, to which the guy replied in a literal and distraught face says……."I could have just shot my self in the head". 😳🤦🏼‍♂️
HAHAHAHAHAHA that made my week 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Honestly the funniest thing I've heard in a WHILE 🤣
That has been attributed to about a dozen different native groups ranging all across north America. Bullet location from ear, to eye to back of throat. I've more faith in a shaky Joe biden memory of corn pop...
They have the skull with .22 bullet holes ol' faithful one.
It may be falsely attributed to dozens of people and people groups but if you google "may 10 1953, Bella Twin, bear, Slave Lake Alberta" you might find it interesting how much hard evidence and documentation exists (facts do get stretched, and new heroes, locations, and such get mixed into such epic tales, but it's a true story at its heart, a little old Indigenous Canadian lady (and yes in this case the attributed people group is correct, she was Cree) with single shot .22 and luck on her side). This is much more concrete and factual than Joe's memory 🤣

This site helpfully includes photographs of the lady with the cape of the bear and of the skull of the bear which she shot in the head numerous times after it dropped to make sure it wasn't just stunned. In case the link doesn't work I'll add them here too
Wow 😮