Reloading Saves Money


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Reloading today just is not about saving money. In fact reloading pays off in accuracy and satisfaction. I think once we get to the elderly stage, it can help us cognitively and with fine motor skill technique. Use it or lose it mentality. The mind keeps getting a workout when using it in such a way. This is worth more than any of us imagine.
Reloading today just is not about saving money. In fact reloading pays off in accuracy and satisfaction. I think once we get to the elderly stage, it can help us cognitively and with fine motor skill technique. Use it or lose it mentality. The mind keeps getting a workout when using it in such a way. This is worth more than any of us imagine.
That is just an absolute gem of a post! Thank you for this! ❤️

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