Ramblings and Such From Coyote Hunting


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2015
I , like most on here enjoy hunting coyote and according to my wife too much . I've spent a lot of years doing just that . During that time , as with a lot of others I have seen and done some pretty interesting things involving coyote . When I first started hunting and trapping coyote I had one that had a right front paw with out any toes on it . I tried all winter to get him with out any success . In the spring the county trapper ask my if I wanted to den hunt with him , as he had a call from the neighbor of where I had been trapping , to get coyote that were killing lambs . Being eager to learn I jumped at the chance . We went out and started tracking the offenders . Sure enough one of them had a square right front foot . we tracked them most of the day they were traveling a six mile round trip to kill lambs . We located the den in yet another ranchers pasture on a south facing hill side in some rough country . Merlyn laid facing down the main draw and told me to face a smaller draw to the east . When Merlyn let out some puppy squeals , using a medium criter call , the old dog ran up out of the draw in front of me at about 20 feet and stopped facing me head on . I was using a then new chambering the 17 Remington with 25 gr. factory loads running 4200 fps mv . I got excited and pushed the triger hitting him in the left shoulder . As he was spinning I hit him again in the ribs dropping him . Finally I had my square footed dog , He died for his family . We took 8 pups from that den the lamb killing stopped and I had a new addiction .
My first time coyote hinting were I got one. My cousins friend had a calf killed. He put the carcass out in the pasture. It was a full moon nite cold but now wind and clear. We went out to go calling, as we were walking to setup over the carcuss were we were planning on calling. Well as we were walking to the pasture walking between the haystacks we see a coyote come out into the open, out of the tree rows. It looks right at us, so we side steped behind a hay bale. I layed down deployed my bipod scooted out laying coyote was looking right at us. I shot and dropped it. I was shooting savage axis 22-250with a Burris fullfielad ii 3x9x40, hornady varmint express 55g vmax. Have been hooked since.
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