Quartering a deer in Michigan?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
I moved to Wyoming a little more than a decade ago. I'm going back to hunt deer this year with my dad in the UP. Since leaving I have only gutted a couple animals, most of my animals now get quartered and come out on my back.

Is that legal in Michigan? Or do they have to come out whole?
I grew up dragging deer...in the West end of the UP where deer camp is the drags can get long. Just curious if needed if I can just bring it out in my pack.
I have lived and hunted in MI my whole life and have never heard of any restrictions that would say you can't. I'll read through this years rule book to confirm.
My dad still lives in MI and he actually called about this last year. Basically they said yes just make sure you have proof of sex. If you leave the carcass where you shot it good to go. If you take stuff from your home or camp back out to dump the remains then no go.
Also the bio he talked to at the MDNR hunted out west so he understood what he was asking. The first person he talked to had no clue and told him NO.
Just don't forget the new rule about notifying the DNR of your kill within their prescribed time frame or it's a big fine and possible jail time. The legislature tried to change it but it was vetoed by the governor.
Just don't forget the new rule about notifying the DNR of your kill within their prescribed time frame or it's a big fine and possible jail time. The legislature tried to change it but it was vetoed by the governor.
I saw that. The DNR app looks to make it easy.
Just don't forget the new rule about notifying the DNR of your kill within their prescribed time frame or it's a big fine and possible jail time. The legislature tried to change it but it was vetoed by the governor.
Notifying the DNR that you filled your tag?, is this what they're asking everyone to do?.

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