Pretty Amazing Story About 2 Women


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
When you consider the very low population of Wyoming, having two women reaching the age of 108 and dying less than a month apart is pretty amazing! memtb

Great read, reminds me of my dear Great Grandmother. Oklahoma to Southern California in an ox pulled wagon as an infant. And experienced all the historic events as these fine women. One story about my Grama, she was known for here cooking among many other things. But I was there having dinner one evening and she served up her famous fried chicken, home made coleslaw, okra and mashed tater's!
As a teen I could really eat a pile a food but after two heaping plates she said "is there something wrong"? No grama everything is delicious!!!
She then replied "why are not eating any more"?
Grama I just ate a hole chicken and almost everything else!!! If you didn't eat it all she was disappointed 🤣 I figured I did pretty good considering I was a skinny little guy, 130lb dripping wet at 18! 🤣
When you consider the very low population of Wyoming, having two women reaching the age of 108 and dying less than a month apart is pretty amazing! memtb

It's interesting that you posted this today!

I had been thinking about the rise of AI- not the improvement of rifle cartridges, but rather the implications of an artificial being pervading ours lives, our phones/computers, and heck our very existance.

I very much have to wonder if shutting off our computers and cell phones and going back to a life of "reality" would lead to a better life?

These women lived in an area and a generation that many of us envy, even in this day in age when all the worlds knowledge and conveniences are seemingly at our finger tips.

May they both rest in peace after long lives, well lived.

Thanks again for posting this!
It's interesting that you posted this today!

I had been thinking about the rise of AI- not the improvement of rifle cartridges, but rather the implications of an artificial being pervading ours lives, our phones/computers, and heck our very existance.

I very much have to wonder if shutting off our computers and cell phones and going back to a life of "reality" would lead to a better life?

These women lived in an area and a generation that many of us envy, even in this day in age when all the worlds knowledge and conveniences are seemingly at our finger tips.

May they both rest in peace after long lives, well lived.

Thanks again for posting this!

The modern electronics, the consumption of processed foods being our primary diet, pollution in the cities and poorly designed/maintained industrial sites, and lack of exercise!

All this combined, contributes to the lowering of present life expectancies! memtb
The modern electronics, the consumption of processed foods being our primary diet, pollution in the cities and poorly designed/maintained industrial sites, and lack of exercise!

All this combined, contributes to the lowering of present life expectancies! memtb
What concerns me is that we've all seen how badly the average human mind has fared since cell phones have taken away the ability to think.
How much will AI accelerate the minds demise?
Only time will tell.
Sorry for the derail....
When you consider the very low population of Wyoming, having two women reaching the age of 108 and dying less than a month apart is pretty amazing! memtb

THANKS memtb.👍