New Sitka Stratus Bib...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2014
Pensacola, FL
First time buying clothing at this level. Silly question to most but, should I wash them before using? To remove factory scents, etc.? If you have similar clothing, how often do you wash them?
First time buying clothing at this level. Silly question to most but, should I wash them before using? To remove factory scents, etc.? If you have similar clothing, how often do you wash them?
A pre wash is worth doing in my opinion. Some guys go all season without washing and they're fine. My wife gets poison oak horrendously so I have to do a tecnu wash of myself and my clothes every time I come home so she doesn't get it from me (I have never gotten poison oak so I'll just walk right through the stuff).

More washing can lead to fast gear wear, but I haven't seen any appreciable breakdown in my gear over the last 3 years of owning Sitka stuff
I would do a pre wash, with the thoughts you have of getting rid of production smells. I wash mine somewhat frequently, but have buddies that use ozone closets and only wash their clothes once a season
First time buying clothing at this level. Silly question to most but, should I wash them before using? To remove factory scents, etc.? If you have similar clothing, how often do you wash them?

I also reached out to Sitka and they have responded already! Thank you Sitka!

Thanks for reaching out. You shouldn't need to wash the bibs before you use them for the first time. I would recommend washing them if they get smelly, it can happen after a few uses but it's really up to your discretion. I would avoid washing them every time you wear them however. I do know that alot of hunters use scent closets to keep any odors off of them and that is also an option. If you have additional questions please let us know.

Thank you,
SITKA Gear Customer Support
I also reached out to Sitka and they have responded already! Thank you Sitka!

Thanks for reaching out. You shouldn't need to wash the bibs before you use them for the first time. I would recommend washing them if they get smelly, it can happen after a few uses but it's really up to your discretion. I would avoid washing them every time you wear them however. I do know that alot of hunters use scent closets to keep any odors off of them and that is also an option. If you have additional questions please let us know.

Thank you,
SITKA Gear Customer Support
If you decide to do a scent closet. You use to be able to buy an ozone generator on Amazon for around $50, same thing as the "ozonics" brand
I also reached out to Sitka and they have responded already! Thank you Sitka!

Thanks for reaching out. You shouldn't need to wash the bibs before you use them for the first time. I would recommend washing them if they get smelly, it can happen after a few uses but it's really up to your discretion. I would avoid washing them every time you wear them however. I do know that alot of hunters use scent closets to keep any odors off of them and that is also an option. If you have additional questions please let us know.

Thank you,
SITKA Gear Customer Support
I agree with the other posters and disagree with Sitka and I would definitely wash them. I assume they are going to be used for wt deer hunting and would never wear something that wasn't washed in scent free detergent. I wash everything and put into a big tote. Put outer layer clothes for the day into a small tote and get dressed at my truck before going to the stand and then after hunting they go back into the tote before the drive home.
I usually wash outer layers twice a season
You can't fool a wt nose so just wash them!
I have ALOT of Sitka Gear, and I have washed everything before 1st use…Baking soda and Dead Down Wind laundry detergent is my preferred products.
After that things get washed about 2x a season. I transport everything in a big plastic bin. I washed that bin out with baking soda when I bought it as it had some odor when new.