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Sure does.I thought about building an AR 10 but never got around to it.
I have a bolt action 308 that shoots fine so I'll stick to that for now.I feel the political outlook isn't favorable to AR rifles right now and I fear they may be doomed.
I would hate to put serious money into an AR and have it banned and I feel that's coming one day,maybe not today but one of these tomorrows they may.
They sure are fun though!
Sure does.I thought about building an AR 10 but never got around to it.
I have a bolt action 308 that shoots fine so I'll stick to that for now.I feel the political outlook isn't favorable to AR rifles right now and I fear they may be doomed.
I would hate to put serious money into an AR and have it banned and I feel that's coming one day,maybe not today but one of these tomorrows they may.
They sure are fun though!
Mr. Rooster
Happy New Year to you and hope that you and your family are doing well.
Don't worry about a "BAN" on ARs unless you live in just a few Liberal States. These States that are putting Bans on AR are being contested.
AND BTW what is considered an "AR" firearm.
Buy one or build one now if you want one being in MT. It will be really hard to take away from you once you have it.
Just remember the 2nd is YOUR RIGHT!

Don't ever give into the Liberal Crazies. By holding back on you purchasing/building a Semi Auto is giving into them!
"AR" to Liberals is every Semi Auto rifle or Shotgun.

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