Mean little Badgers


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I had a trio of badgers cross the road in front of me. I pulled over to see if I could pop over the hill to get a shot. I exited out the passengers door of my gmc topkick 5500 (very roomy cab if your wondering how a full grown man just jumped out the passengers side door) anyway im glad I looked down cause the young ones didnt follow mom over the hill they must have gotten confused because there they were waiting under my door when i opened it. They were not happy to see me. Took the pics with my phone but they turned out pretty well.



Hi MikeBob,

Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing! Where were you? A Topkick 5500? A really small truck ahh! :) Glad to hear that you are sharing our heritage with your daughter. Thank you.

Bill Rose
Aka Wild Bill in PHX AZ
Hey, good job on the pics guys! Not very often people get to see Badgers close up.

They really can be mean though. A few years back I was shooting at one (it was running) from the truck with a 22 pistol. He managed to get over the hill about 100 yds away before I got dialed in on him. So, I grabbed another clip and took off on foot chasing him.

I managed to catch up to the big fella just right over the hill from where I'd last seen him, I was up on him before I even realized it. No sooner did he see me on his tail and he was turned around 180 and coming straight at me! Teeth showing, claws churning, growling and hissing the whole time too!

That's the only time I've ever been "in retreat" and shooting at the same time. I did get him killed, but he was only about 5 yds from me at the moment. Sure am glad they aren't real big and fast, I would've been had. I've caught em in coyote traps before and they're ****ed and mean then for sure, but that was the first time I'd ever had one charge me out in the open.

That had to be hilarious. It's not when it's happening but after the fact
you can't do nothing but laugh! Surely put a smile on my face.
Kinda neat being that close to the youngsters.
Popt this medium sized female a couple weeks ago while out doggin. The 40 grain Vmax out of the 223 put her light right out. Turns out she was in the middle of dineing on a ground squirrel.......If I had known my partner had never sean a badger before I would have had him try to take it away from her:D



Its a good thing badgers are not any bigger or it wouldnt be safe out on the prairie ! Stepped on one in the dark one morning going out to get cows out of the pasture=scared the bejesus outa me and wrecked a new pair of boots!!
Hi MikeBob,

Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing! Where were you? A Topkick 5500? A really small truck ahh! :) Glad to hear that you are sharing our heritage with your daughter. Thank you.

Bill Rose
Aka Wild Bill in PHX AZ

Mine was taken just outside Buffalo OK in the panhandle

I work out in the red desert a lot and badgers will actually turn around and fight 100% of the time when you get too close to them. I am not allowed to have a gun in the desert but my dad told me their heads are very soft and that a tap on the head will kill them. So I decided to try it with a shovel because i see so many when I am there. He was right a suprisingly light smack on the head with the spade of a shovel puts them out instantly. One time I was chasing one with a shovel and triped right as I caught up to him when he turned around to fight me... needless to say I found my feet rather quickley and smacked his noggin. I have only had one badger that seemed to have a hard head out of the 10 or so I have slain with a shovel.
Too bad they like to eat all the priairie dogs cause they are cool creatures.
We had a Texan move up here and work on the ranch and he didn't know badger attitude and he shot one one day and it started digging out a hole so he though he'd pull it out by it's stub tail, I guess there was a short sprint and a hail of gun fire involved after he got it out. He gave them a little more respect after that :D

Killed a lot of badgers in coyote sets, I tried the head bonking thing but found it to be unreliable after having a couple come back to life while in the back of the truck, I cross there eyes with a 22lr, it just makes life easier.

That had to be hilarious. It's not when it's happening but after the fact
you can't do nothing but laugh! Surely put a smile on my face.

Yea, it was kinda funny after the fact. My buddies got a good laugh out of it too. Too bad someone wasn't, maybe not. I'd probably never live that one down!
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