Len's 44 Mile Grand Canyon Adventure - March, 2021

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
After a nearly 2,000 mile road trip Kathy and I arrived in the Phoenix area where I dropped her off for a visit with wintering Wisconsin friends. I headed immediately up to the Grand Canyon. I went to the Backcountry office where the COVID related application process details were posted at the door.

I didn't know how long it would take to get a permit so while waiting, I planned on a day hike the next morning. I had been wanting to try the Tonto Trail on this trip. So I planned a 14 mile day hike - down South Kaibab to Tonto and then turn west along the Tonto Trail to the Bright Angel Trail junction and then back up to the top.

Meanwhile, only one hour after my emailed applicatioin was sent - I got a reply saying I was successful and now had an overnight permit at the Indian Garden Campground

"Raider's of the Lost Ark!" - - - my wife said when she saw this spooky lighted pre-dawn image shot in my first minutes heading down from the South Kaibab Trailhead.




I hiked with my full backpack the nine or so miles to the Bright Angel junction near Indian Garden Campgrounds around noon and sat down for a rest and lunch break. I was ahead of schedule and starting to be bothered by my left hip which suffered in a pre-dawn slip and fall on some ice on the trail some hours earlier. I had not put on my Yaktrax because I hadn't yet seen any ice on the SK Trail. Boom...a big fall but not very painful at the time.

But now it was beginning to bother me a little more and I thought I probably won't want to do any day hiking from Indian Garden as a base, so why not head out now. This first day of hiking was about 14 miles.


After a day of rest for my hip up on the rim, I applied again for a permit. This time I asked for South Kaibab Trailhead to Cotton Wood Campground (14 miles) overnight and then back up Bright Angel Trail to the top (16 miles) - about 30 miles in all.

I received this second permit one day later.



Overlooking 2 hikers just before the Black Bridge.


Rafters on the Colorado River at a sandy beach.


tunnel just before the Black Bridge.


My new 2 pound, 2 person Big Agnes Tiger Wall 2 Carbon tent.

After the Grand Canyon, on the way homeward I just detoured over to Zion National Park and finished an aborted day trip to the top of Angels Landing. In 2017 there was a big electrical storm coming in at me fast so I bailed out. It was great to get to the top this time.
2021 PLANS

Grand Canyon in March -DONE.

Grand Tetons with grandkids Ollie and Mia in June. Backpacking, two nights on Phelps Lake. - DONE

Grand Tetons, Teton Crest Trail repeat in July

Four Pass Loop, Colorado repeat in July during wildflower season. I went in mid September last year and missed the flowers, and also kind of rushed through the route.

Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho early August

Grand Tetons, August.

Glacier National Park in September, after the worst of the crowds.

Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim with my daughter Barbara around November 1.
Great pic and write up about your days in the Grand Canyon. Looking forward to see more about your future adventures
Awesome. We are launching June 5th for a self support paddling trip that will take us from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek over the course of several weeks, with lots of hikes planned along the way. IMO, there's no better way to experience the canyon.

Awesome. We are launching June 5th for a self support paddling trip that will take us from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek over the course of several weeks, with lots of hikes planned along the way. IMO, there's no better way to experience the canyon.
Jealous. Bring lots and lots of sunscreen, moisturizer, superglue for cracked skin, and baby wipes.
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