Hunting stories stink


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2022
Unless you almost died, most hunting stories are boring.

I'm not a great storyteller. Yes, I have found myself trying to share the excitement of a routine hunt with others. I'm aware it's nothing like what I experienced. So, I'll keep them brief and try not to abuse your ear hole with my rambling.

We have all had to sit through this.

"This big doe come out and she kept lookin behind her and me and Biily Bob was sayin there gotta be a buck there but we didn't see it then a yearlin came out but went back in about 10 minutes later but come back out again with this other doe. Then a spike come out and stayed for about 15 minutes before he run off and then this little buck come out and then it got dark."

Wow. Great story.

I have a theory. Jeffrey Epstein had to listen to his cellmate tell hunting stories for 3 days straight and actually did hang himself.

If I have to sit through another 15 minutes of someone explaining to me what 3 does at a feeder did, I'll Epstein myself.

Hunting stories are like telling me about relations you had with your spouse last night. I want to care, but, I just can't connect with the emotions or excitement you felt.

Hunting stories fail at being interesting to others because the hunter is trying to convey the heightened emotions he went through by explaining the ordinary actions that occurred.

It's virtually impossible to make someone feel the excitement, suspense, pain, struggle and elation of success unless you are a master storyteller or unless the story has some serious action. And, let's face it, few people are "Dave Chappell level" storytellers

But, occasionally we get treated to a truly interesting story.

In 2010, I sat in deer camp in Colorado and listened to David Morris tell a story about a Grizzly Bear hunt he went on where he was unsuccessful. He could put you in the story in a way that made you feel like you were there. There was pain, frustration, and disappointment and he knew how to make you understand these emotions. 13 years later, I still remember this story. It was a story you wanted to listen to. He is a great storyteller.

To be clear, I'm not criticizing anyone's stories here or anyone who posts stories here. After all, that's what a talk forum is. Stories.

I post a few stories and I read ones that interest me. Maybe the written stories are easier to digest because we have the option of skimming, looking at pictures or walking away without offending someone. Plus, written stories are often more thought out, edited and concise.

Anyway, that's my story. I hope nobody took a noose to the game pole in the middle of it.
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