Best deer cart?

My grand uncle had one of these that he used for deer recovery. I don't know if this system was home made or factory, but he could hook a cable onto an output shaft on the motor and make a winch out of the little bike. Every single deer he brought home had this goofy stretched out nose from my uncle running a half hitch around the deer snout before looping the antlers. This kept the nose lined up with the rope instead of diving into the dirt and hanging up the critter. He was exceptionally proud of his little bike, and used the heck out of it. I always wondered where it ended up.
They make a pack wheel also with brakes, for trails and you sling meat over sides in tiny packs, like on a goat.Single wheel.There are also 2 wheel drive electric bikes too $$$.I don't put weight on front too hard to steer, but have hauled elk 1/4 on back
I use a trolly cart, with 20" bicycle wheels/tires. Built it myself, aluminum frame, old grocery cart basket, hooked and pulled by my Yamaha 200 BigWheel. Geared very low, so it pulls great in any terrain. Fairly quiet too. Cart wheel-spread is 30", and axle to hitch is 40". Also have small front and back racks on BigWheel cycle, for extra carrying capacity. This works well for me.
Using a "Cart" with wheels might be very difficult in the woods. We bought a "Deer Sleigh" which is a slippery plastic sheet that when tying the deer/bear/anything to it makes it easy to pull through just about any type of ground. We used it on many deer in rough woods and hills and it works GREAT! Makes it very easy to pull on dry and even better wet or snow on the ground.

Amazon product ASIN B0CBB2KV18
We use an old snow sled as our deer cart.
This is my perfect cart has multiple uses you can pick him up got him getting back to the house and then use him to skin the hide off


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