Arkansas waterfowl outfitter


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2012
Chandler, Az
My brother is big into waterfowl hunting. Him and a buddy in Michigan are thinking of an Arkansas waterfowl hunt in 2024-2025. Anyone have recommendation on a guide?

There are some good hunts be had I'm sure.

This far south the migration isn't a guarantee anymore. The birds don't come here out of habit in large numbers.
They have to be forced by severe winter weather, snow cover etc.
I know of some very expensive private clubs that have been watching numbers taper down here for a long time, sadly.
We just had the highest number of mallards I've seen in a long long long time a few weeks ago, but due to different ag practices, refuge enhancement north of us and mild winters this is a freak event.

In my opinion I'd try to hunt north of Tennessee and Arkansas for more consistency.
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