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  • I just picked up a Cabelas 10-T-SR. I would appreciate your insight into how to get the best out of it. What do you do to improve the trigger? Improve extraction? Do you bed the action with Devon?
    I also am beginning to load for a 12 varmiter that has a Criterion 6mm BR barrel.

    I would appreciate your insight.
    Ted are you doing? Its been awhile since I last spoke to you. Hop all is well. I'm still working and not getting any time to shoot but hope to real soon. BTW have you seen the new Kestrel 4500 w/Applied Balistics built in to it? You can even get the bluetooth feature added. I am wondering what your knowledge/opinion of it is? It sounds real neat to have but its very expensive too. $589 or $689 from Bryan Litz with AB added. Your thoughts.......?
    Sorry to disagree litank with your statement about fluting a bolt body is just for looks. Fluting the bolt body reducing surface friction during operation to create a smooth, glass like pull during exstraction. It will also help to cycle the bolt quicker. Also, if you shoot in cold weather below freezing, Fluting will also allow the bolt to break free during icing conditions due to less surface area.
    Hi Jeromy......Just thought that I'd say hello. I'm still waiting on Phil to get my Redding comp S 308 dies. He mistakingly sold mine to someone else, I guess. So I had to reorder them. Looks like the weather is finally turning for he better. I can't wait to get to a match. There should be a few of them real soon. Keep me posted when you are planning on going and I'll be glad to drive. Hope this finds that all is well with you and your family. Regards, Rick F.
    I see you are from Central Pa. Where are you located and do you shoot at Williamsport? I was up once last year but plan to make several trips this year. My cousin just bought a 6.5-284 to shoot up there. We have several long range rifles and want to hunt long range but none of us have a .30. I just feel that is a better caliber to hunt long range with. We are looking at shooting out to maybe 1500 for deer.
    What load are you useing in you 300wsm with the 210's, Powder,Powder gr, case, Primer, seating depth? Also what MV are you getting and how long is your bbl?
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