Bog Shooting Sticks Problem


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Bottom extensions will not twist tighten at all. The top extensions work fine. They worked fine last year but now they don't. So anyone run into this before and have a fix? Other than epoxy the extensions to set length with electrical tape. Anyway to get at the bushing that tightens up and locks the extension?
I just "fixed" them. I pulled them out to max, put slight deflection maybe 5-10 degrees while turning at same time. After a few tries, they actually started to grab and tighten up. I set them to the length I wanted, tightened, and them electrical taped them in place. Just didn't want to take chance if them not tightening up again. If this didn't work, yeah, call was in works. I have called them before on their deathgrip and were helpful. So no clue why they wouldn't tighten up. Not sure what I did had anything to do why they started working again either. But all good to go now. I use them primarily for xbow on ground.

Wished these were made with cam locks.

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