Recent content by VLD Pilot

  1. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    Oh Hell, perfect. I wouldn't go anywhere else either if GAP was that close.
  2. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    It's worth shipping an action out to a gunsmith with a great reputation vs one you've never heard of.
  3. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    Hard to believe it took this long. Congrats. Now find the "Right" gunsmith for the next one. That last one was definitely a F_ _ K story.
  4. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    Oh ok, so it still could be better after a gunsmith rethreads and rechambers it. What's the length of this barrel currently ?
  5. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    $200 for a CFW Proof barrel chambered and ready to go is a steal. The history means nothing if this barrel has been made to screw on an action and use. Not sure any of the history is important at this point.
  6. VLD Pilot

    SOLD/EXPIRED .284 Proof sendero light 1-8tw… read the story

    Does this barrel shoot or is it still a work in progress and basically a $200 tent stake ?
  7. VLD Pilot


    +1. Heaviest shoot the best no doubt.
  8. VLD Pilot

    Want To Buy Halos is a Theif

    PP Goods and Services is the only way to go with people you haven't dealt with before. Fully insured for the 2.9% charge. Cheap insurance.
  9. VLD Pilot

    2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

    Yes I believe they probably are monitoring wolves but not at the state level at this point. My buddy is a biologist up there and said they aren't happy about the wolves not being managed. The DNR told the feds that they aren't spending valuable CO cost and time policing the wolves. Sure, they'll...
  10. VLD Pilot

    2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

    I think if any agency is keeping tabs on wolves in Michigan today, it's only the feds. Michigan(DNR) wants a hunting season. At least the biologists do, but again, the governor is controlling all of it and thru DC mostly. Once she's out and we ever get a governor that wants real wolf management...
  11. VLD Pilot

    2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

    The Michigan wolf thing is 100% politics. Whitmer doesn't want them hunted so of course the President protected them. It's just that simple. Michigan is 100% liberal. House and Senate and Governor are completely democrat so it is what it is. It'll take a new conservative president to do what's...
  12. VLD Pilot

    2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

  13. VLD Pilot

    Quarter bore fans; opinions wanted, what would you do?

    Elevation certainly makes a difference. I'm at under 1000 ft. Being at 5000+ can make an entire full twist of a difference.