Upsidedownjack's latest activity

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    Upsidedownjack reacted to MT260TX's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    So you would prefer Biden because that is the other option. You might not want Trump but if he is not the President it’s going to be...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to bdlesh's post in the thread Dark Day with Love Love.
    Voting will get you nowhere. The past few elections has proven this. The country has jumped the shark. Clinton built the ramp, the gay...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Rick Richard's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Yep. I am amazed how a person like a bartender for example elected to the senate can become a multimillionaire on a $174,000 annual...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to memtb's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    For all of the delicate souls that are offed by DJT, you darn sure wouldn't have liked Andrew Jackson. He was also brash and hurt...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Sealesniper's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I get asked from time to time, what is a good investment. There used to be good options in stocks, but now I only have one answer...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Rosebud's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    The left has been the bullies for decades. Anyone who dares to fight back against them is called a racist, women hater, wants to take...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Varmint Hunter's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I couldn't disagree with you more. Biden is literally destroying this country at an unprecedented rate. Most of his "policies" revolve...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Backwoods towny's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Just remember that democracy is on the ballot. We are a republic nation. Make sure the people you vote for...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to john k's post in the thread Dark Day with Love Love.
    I think anybody with minimal awareness knows our government is corrupt no matter who is in office. Follow the money. I don’t need a role...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Rick Richard's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I can’t imagine what the Harris policies would be if she assumes the presidency. Think about that since that will probably occur if...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to memtb's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I’m not real pleased with some of the antics or brashness of DJT, and obviously he’s no saint. But, he is immeasurably better than...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Varmint Hunter's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    If you absolutely can't vote for Biden (and I can't) there is only one option. Trump is far from perfect, but he is better than the...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to Varmint Hunter's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    The left loads them up in buses and brings them to the poles. And ..... now they have "vote harvesters" who drop off mail ballots by the...
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to FrogFire7's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Give it time 😂
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    Upsidedownjack reacted to ShtrRdy's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I'll attach a screen shot of the Deliberations section of the jury instructions. I found this on the WSJ website. It looks to me that...