Recent content by dustbag

  1. dustbag

    Want To Buy portable Reloading Bench

    Reloaded in hotel rooms using wood claps before. Not fancy but gets job done. All you need is a table top.
  2. dustbag


    I have an AGS Custom Annealer. Around $200 if I remember correctly. Have to adjust the direction of the flame and there’s a dial for time. I keep one old piece of brass to double check before I run a whole batch. I have plans to make multiple flame holders and mark the dial. Would speed up...
  3. dustbag

    Checking in from Kansas

    Welcome from central wi. What are your creedmoor issues?
  4. dustbag

    Great video on seating depth testing

    With components being so expensive and seating depth frustrating I just started barrel tuning instead. Now according to some I’ll need to cut it at least 30 times the two times I did are probably not enough of a sample.
  5. dustbag

    Great video on seating depth testing

    Watched a lot of his videos. Feel like a toddler trying to learn calculus. The guy knows his stuff and seems to be unbiased which is nice.
  6. dustbag

    This group looks promising.

    I don’t know man. If your into shooting flies from a long ways off maybe. I like bigger groups myself it forces me to shoot bigger animals. 😂😂😂 Looks like you got a winner there. Congrats and good shooting!
  7. dustbag

    Dark Day

    Rep or dem you have to vote. If nothing else it makes it harder/more obvious when they cheat at 3am
  8. dustbag

    Dark Day

    Could care less about personality. No wars booming economy America first attitude to this garbage we have now. It took 9 years an millions and millions of dollars to get a kangaroo court to finally convict. How long would it take for someone to dig up dirt in any other political figure Hollywood...
  9. dustbag

    New Rifle Project

    I don’t think I could take that in the woods. You did a helluva nice job. Congrats on a gorgeous rifle.
  10. dustbag

    "My" never leave the local gun store empty-handed rule ...

    My 6.5 did real well with h1000. It’s on shelves around here.
  11. dustbag

    "My" never leave the local gun store empty-handed rule ...

    @Byrdman13 I finally worked up the nerve….😂
  12. dustbag

    Finally done my 338 LM build

    I like that barrel fluting. Good looking rig!
  13. dustbag

    Painting a stock

    Love it!
  14. dustbag

    Corn cob media life

    I run mine till it’s dirty. I got a 50# bag from a farming buddy. Should last me a lifetime.